Wow! is still functional?
Since my last visit here we have a new poker room manager at the Palms--Joe Viator. So far, so good. He's changed some rules and added an "Action Aces" promotion which has been well received. The morning session results in a few games while the evening session packs the room. Monday through Friday 7AM-11AM and 2PM-7PM if you lose with AA you win double the pot up to $200. This approach to aces cracked seems infinitely better that the plain Jane scenario where the players telegraphed their pocket aces, a handfull called and then they checked, checked checked hoping to crack the aces. This version encourages action and the $200 amount has a bearing on even NL play.
The addition of daily tournaments has yet to gain any traction. Maybe that will change now that the two or three people who will read this post will now know about the tournaments.
Diamonds, obviously, aren't forever. After the better part of 9.5 years the diamond flush promotion has ended.
The Pokerati mixed game seems well established and is now likely to go two or three days a week other than the normal Thursday night game.
Other promos are in the works, but not yet official yet so I'll not list them here.
There is a new "sample" felt on table 1. The picture doesn't do it justice. It looks AWESOME. Another trial is the new rail. For those players who hated the "racetrack" around our tables, rejoice. This rail is raised like our old tables with the addition of a bead between the felt and rail that prevents cards from sliding under the rail.
For the next two months we will be running sats for the Annie Duke/Federated tournamant that will be held in, I think, August. (I'm too lazy to look it up right now.)
Business at work has, generally, increased significantly under the new administration. That combined with the WSOP being held across the street should keep us hopping for the next two months. Still, working in a poker room is so unpredictable. Last week I worked overtime three times. This week I worked overtime one day and worked a total of 1 hour on another.
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