Friday, September 23, 2005

10 days of poker, sun and fun

In about 3 hours I'll be headed to McCarran. I never look forward to a day of air travel and airports. As convenient as air travel is, it still can be frustrating. Here is hoping that most of the day can be spent sleeping. Are we there yet?
If all goes well, I'll be posting from Aruba. Linda will have a lap top and the Wyndham is supposed to have wireless.
While I am away, take a few minutes to read
You may just learn something.
I particularly like this excerpt;
"Be a courteous loser. Watch the old-timers. They have taken so many bad beats and been on the receiving end of some good luck, that it doesn’t faze most of them either way anymore."
Yeah, my ass!!
I understand that the Aruba event is for serious money and prestige, but I hope that most of the players temper the intensity with the fact that the setting is something like paradise. For the players and dealers, this is a "working vacation". I hope the vacation aspect is not lost.........

It's time for some changes of latitude and changes of attitude. . . . .


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