As a child I used to have nightmares about tornados. Invariably I would be in the basement looking out of the small windows there. The dream-tornado would always come from the crest of the mountain and roar into the valley.
Mom always reassured me that because we lived in the mountains, tornados weren't a concern.
When I was in my twenties, a cat 4 tornado cut a path through the Frostburg area about 12 miles from where I grew up. The can, and do occur most anywhere.
The best we can do is stand in awe of the power they unleash.
The other serial nightmare of my childhood involved the butcher, the baker and the candlestick maker emerging from the silverware drawer in our "old" house. Even after we moved from that house, it was torn down, and a state road was constructed directly over where the house once stood those three devils still made appearances on occasion.
Anyone want to interpret that one?
Several people have chided me about not posting more often. Frankly, I wish I had started an annonymous blog. Although I like incorporating family and friends on this virtual page, my daily reality is work related. I desperately want/need to rage against all that is wrong at my workplace.
Apathy and neglect reign supreme..... and we are all adrift.
Today the stone tablets were delivered from the mount. Among MANY other "thou shall nots" is the thou shall not play "on the clock". Given that we are perpetually over-staffed this will only serve to compound that issue.
Why? you ask. It seems that an on-the-clock dealer not only check-raised, but did so on a bluff and then showed said bluff when the other player folded to the check-raise. Showing a check-raise bluff is not always good for the game.
The player went berzerk. Part of me wishes that he would have been told to get over it, it's part of the game. (despite the fact that our handbook forbids check raising while clocked in). A HUGE part of me wishes that, like other similar situations where rules are violated by certain employees, said employees were addressed individually and disciplined. Jerking the rug out from under EVERYONE because of one persons misdeeds is not, in my humble opinion, the best management strategy. ***disclaimer*** that is only MY SUGGESTION of how to better manage and should not necessarily be construed as a direct criticism of management....incase anyone is actually reading this.
Yes, I need an annonymous outlet...and I need it soon!